Golang Basic

Posted on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 Suggest An Edit

Data type


Array is a collection of elements that belong to the same type. The elements of an array are stored sequentially in memory.

// Create array
var array_name = [length]datatype{values}

// Access array

// Assgin value 
array_name[index] = value


Slice is a segment of an array. Like arrays slices are indexable and have a length. The length of a slice is the number of elements it contains. The capacity of a slice is the number of elements in the underlying array, counting from the first element in the slice.

// Create slice
slice_name := make([]type, length, capacity)

// Modify slice
slice_name = append(slice_name, value)

// Copy slice
copy(slice_name, slice_name2)


Map is a collection of key-value pairs. Maps are also known as hash tables, dictionaries, or associative arrays in other languages.

// Create map
map_name := make(map[key_type]value_type)

// Modify map
map_name[key] = value

// Delete map
delete(map_name, key)

// Check map
value, ok := map_name[key]


Struct is a collection of fields. It is useful for grouping data together to form records.

// Create struct
type struct_name struct {
    field_name1 type
    field_name2 type

// Assign value
var_name := struct_name{
    field_name1: value1,
    field_name2: value2

// Access value


In golang to define condition we can use if else or switch case.

// if else
if condition {
    // do something
} else {
    // do something

// switch case
switch condition {
case condition1:
    // do something
case condition2:
    // do something
    // do something


In golang to define looping you only can use for loop. But you can use for loop as while loop.

// for loop
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

// while loop
i := 0
for i < 10 {


Function in golang have many type such as normal function, return function, variadic function, and anonymous function.

Return function

// Create function
func function_name(parameter1 type, parameter2 type) return_type {
    // do something
    return return_value

// Call function
var_name := function_name(parameter1, parameter2)

Variadic function

variadic function is function that can accept variable number of arguments. The function can accept zero or more arguments.

// Create function
func function_name(parameter ...type) return_type {
    // do something
    return return_value

// Call function
var_name := function_name(parameter1, parameter2)

Anonymous function

anonymous function is function that doesn’t have name. It is useful when you want to define a function inline without having to name it.

// Create anonymous function
var := func(parameter1 type, parameter2 type) return_type {
    // do something
    return return_value
// Call anonymous function
var_name := var(parameter1, parameter2)


Pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. They are useful when you want to pass a large struct to a function without copying the struct.

// Create pointer
var var_name *type

// Assign value
var_name = &value

// Access value


Interface is datatype abstract. Interface is a set of method signature. When a type provides definition for all the methods in the interface, it is said to implement the interface.

// Create interface
type interface_name interface {
    method_name1() return_type
    method_name2() return_type

// Create struct
type struct_name struct {
    field_name1 type
    field_name2 type

// Implement interface
func (var_name struct_name) method_name1() return_type {
    // do something
    return return_value

// Call interface
var_name := struct_name{
    field_name1: value1,
    field_name2: value2
